Whether you have finished that novel or are still working towards it, chances are you may have questions about getting it published once it's ready. Demystify the publishing process with a chance to connect with literary agent Dani Segelbaum and get your questions answered.
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Dani Segelbaum joined the Carol Mann Agency in 2021 as a literary agent and subrights manager. She is interested in both fiction and non-fiction. Dani is seeking non-fiction titles with an emphasis on politics, women’s issues, popular culture, and current events. Dani also loves memoir, narrative non-fiction, lifestyle, and cookbooks. In fiction, she is looking for literary and upmarket adult fiction including debut, historical, rom-coms, mysteries, and women’s fiction. In both fiction and non-fiction, Dani hopes to work with authors from diverse backgrounds to tell stories that are important to them. She loves compelling narrators and is drawn to writing that is voice-driven, highly transporting, and features unique perspectives and marginalized voices.