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Wednesday Write-in (Virtual)

Paragraph's virtual write-ins are writing sessions we do together to stay devoted to our projects and our craft in this uncertain time. It will go like this: everyone meets on ParagraphWriters Slack in #write-ins; we quickly go around, say hello, say their intention or goal for the hour session ahead; then the host says SPRINT! and we all minimize our internet browser and we're off! We will feed prompts every 10 minutes for those who wish to free-write or could use a nudge. At 2pm, we all return to the Slack channel, go around once more and report on our progress (or struggles) re: our goals. It's a great way to write with focus alone, but together!

Join us on our slack channel to write-in (FREE)! Online Membership suggested.

Earlier Event: July 27
Monday Write-in (Virtual)