Book a free, thirty-minute consult with Nancy Rawlinson, freelance editor and writing coach. Open to Paragraph members. Get feedback! Discuss your craft questions, process issues, or concerns about the publishing process!
How it works:
Book a time-slot online.
Submit materials (no more than ten double-spaced pages) to Nancy by EOD Friday 9/20/19
Please send only Word documents, conventionally formatted, with page numbers.
You can submit: outlines, overviews, plot synopses, chapter summaries, query letters, excerpts from longer works or book proposals, or complete short stories or essays. (Limit: ten double-spaced pages, or a maximum of 2,500 words.)
Show up for your conversation with Nancy
Nancy Rawlinson has been a freelance editor and writing coach since 2003. She also occasionally runs writing workshops and coaching groups. Her clients and students have published essays and short stories, novels and memoirs, biographies and works of literary journalism. Many have been accepted into prestigious MFA programs. A few have been bestsellers. Nancy specializes in providing developmental feedback and in-depth craft analysis while helping writers move towards a healthy and supportive engagement with their work. She provides structure, accountability, and support – with rigor.
You can contact Nancy at or find out more about her at